Monday, November 17, 2014

Creative Collaboration with Darrin Newhardt

For my creative response to this project I decided that I wanted to sing songs with Darrin. This particular song is one that I mentioned had a strong influence on my music-culture in my first blog. For me, performing music is the most personal for of creative expression. It allows me to express my emotions and to slip away into another world if only for a minute. I love to be on a stage performing musicals, so I thought…what better way to fulfill my creative response? I am demonstrating my understanding of Darrin's music-culture by putting my knowledge to the test. Since I was the Broadway Nights featured artist the night I sang this song, I also got to participate in the friday night rehearsal. I experienced first hand Rebecca Trinidad's and Darrin's advice on how to better sing and act out my song. There are so many different creative interpretations of songs it is interesting to bring mine into a room full of opinionated people and get their feedback. It was definitely helpful and I think it made something click in my brain about how to approach music now. So for that I am thankful for this opportunity.

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